Below are FAQs.
Q. How long does it take to ship my item after payment is received?A.standand procesng imne takes 3 busnes days notinduding ekends andholdlays andthen 3.5 busnes days wththeshiping canier aterthat or presale orerswe wlship befborethe agredtime,thescthedluled tme
will be stated before placing the order.
Q. Will l get tracking?
A. Yes you wil get tracking emailed to you once your label is created. Tracking wil updated when the shipping carier receives your package.
Q. How much is shipping?A. shipping is usually free when purchasing products from Us or other overseas warehouses, but shipping from china is required
Q. Can l add to my order?
A. We cannot add to orders once they have been placed.
Q. Can l make changes to my order?
A.Wecanot make any thanges to your orderonceit hasbenpaced. This indudesyour shiping adres.Please chedk overand make sure your order and personalinformationis corect beforesutmiting paymentand
completing your order.
O. Does my order come with straws?A.ltems that comewth traws are noted inthette and desaipton.lfyour onderinduded stasthey are usulaly wreapedinbublewap insideofthebig boxthetumblers came in. Theysometimes et mistaken as padkingmaterial and thrown away. Make sure to check your packing material before disposing of it.